The Belgian animation director, Britt Raes and the Spanish-Danish Inma Carpe, win the best Multimedia and Retrospective awards respectively, being the best short film prize for the Danish director Henrik Malmgren.
The Belgian director
BRITT RAES, with her Retrospective creation
"I LIKE BIRD", presents a film which includes the most interactive side of the most little-aged with the audiovisual media and the reaction that they arouse in her mind and imagination.
In contrast, the Spanish-Danish animator
INMA CARPE, with her Multimedia work
"DADDY'S GIRL", creates an advertising spot proposal for BARBIE I CAN BE, the Matel's doll, in which the parental relations prevail, showing her kindest side.
On the other hand, the director
HENRIK MALMGREN with his film
"THE GUEST", with high impact at festivals such as Siggraph (Los Angeles), takes us, through a psychological thriller, into the burning issue of the loneliness and the social exclusion within the troubled and controversial actual society.
205 films from 38 countries from the 5 continents (1 of each 3 directed by women) had coincided in the subject matters of their animation films submitted at the 4th Edition of Animacam 2011 (the only International Animation Online Festival in the World), produced and realized in Ourense (Spain), since the last 4 years.
The presence of Women animating in 2011 was magnificent: they were present practically in all the movies at conquest and as a directors, they signed 72 films from the 205 finalists. We also remark their extraordinary active participation in the Festival’s blog “Women Animating”, which English version had more tan 41.000 visits.
Until December 15th , registered users from more than 100 countries, has voted for the 3 best films between those 205 finalists, at the 3 categories at conquest: Short film, Multimedia and Retrospective.
This Animacam’s 4th Edition was notorious by the quality of the films at conquest. Eather acclaimed directors or young coming talents got together in this 2011 Animation Festival. Thus authors like Monique Renault, Malika Whitaker (France), Ellen Meske(Belgium) , Max Hattler, Kirk Hendry (England), Ivan Maximov (Russia), Ion Octavian Frecea (Rumania), Jeffrey Gurian (USA), Juan Pablo Zaramella (Argentina), Nildo Essa (Mozambique), Jisuk Jung (South Corea) Rubén Salzar, Enrique García and Isabel Herguera (Spain) compete with new talents coming up from prestigious animation and art schools like, Supinfocom, Gobelins, Georges Melies, Esma (FRANCE), or ECAM and ESDIP in Spain.
The high rate of follow-up, more than 125,000 visits during the voting phase, has highlighted other major international animation creations;
Such are the cases of:
- The Chilean creation
"NO DA" by the director
- The acclaimed
"DAISY CUTTER", of the spanish directors
- The Argentinian
- The English
"ROUND" of
Respect to the techniques showing in the competition this year, Animacam got together, once again, the last tendencies in animation (3D, experimental, video art, visual concerts) with the more traditional ones (Drawing, Stop Motion, 2D or Plasticine).
Participants of last editions had excused their presence this year, due to the international crisis that impeded them to ended their productions in time to submit them to the conquest. And so it did to the Festival Organization: this Edition was only possible because of the effort maded by the team of Limaia Productions.
Tomorrow we will offer you the top 5 in each category!
Thank so much to all!!