Friday, March 15, 2013

Thank you very much

Once concluded the On-line and Off-linecompetition of the Audience Awards for Best Director and Best Film of Animacam 2012, the organizers of the Festival are pleased to thank all the participants and followers of this V Animacam Edition for their invaluable contribution.

With the help of directors, producers, animators, distributors, fans and, of course, sponsors, we have once more fulfilled a great dream.

More than 260,000 Internet users around the world have enjoyed the 41 finalists works in the On-line version of the festival and, at the Museum of Contemporary Art Gas Natural Fenosa, almost 400 people had the privilege of enjoying exclusively 77 finalists films of the Off-line version, in a unique and unforgettable occasion.

With this V Edition of Animacam, we have made one of the most successful festivals of our history, being this possible solely thanks to your participation, support and invaluable help.
For all above mentioned:

Moitas grazas / Muchas gracias / Thank you very much

Our doors and windows are entirely opened to you and, despite all the difficulties we have to deal with these days, we will keep on struggling to do what we love the most: the animated creativity.

Without you, this Festival would not be possible.

Thanks, take care and good luck friends

See you in the VI Edition 2013

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