Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Curros Enriquez writes again in Galicia

Based on the poem "Nouturnio" by the Galician writer Manuel Curros Enríquez, this short film tells the story about an old man sentenced to flee his home to face his "nouturnio" of his life. Someday we may find that old man on the way...

Nouturnio of Celanova is the first Galician animation work participating in this third edition of Animacam. This 3D animation tells the story of an old man, drowned by the bad economic situation and personal misfortunes, whom has to leave home and go away to survive. Directed by Raul G. Perez,the animation follows the footsteps of Curros Enriquez, who runs all the sites of the little town of Celanova. Music by Luis Emilio Batallán with the song "Nouturnio", included in his album "Aí vén o maio."

Original piece of Nouturnio by Curros Enriquez (Galician poetist)

"Da aldea lonxana
fumegan as tellas;
detrás dos petoutos

vai póndose o sol;
retornan prós eidos
coa noite as ovellas
tiscando nas beiras
o céspede mol."
(Curros Enríquez)

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