La Competitiva is an excellent and most elaborate work in stop-motion led by Hernan "Mono" Cieza and Adriana "Peca" Delfino, set in a factory caganers, classic figure of Bethlehem Christmas. The figures long for the waitress, and each will battle for a competition to achieve the love of the lady. Jaykel Perez, from Cuba, presents a 3D short film based on a tragicomedy about a postman and the package leads from Antarctica to Central America. Again, the group divulge the University of Vigo presents another interactive video: Use of drifting buoys for monitoring marine dumping, a documentary for educational purposes and instructions designed for university education.
Penko Gelev from Bulgaria presents an interesting 3D animation starring the mollusk Egi and various creatures that circulate around the road. A novel contribution to social satire produced by the Animation Studio Gekkon entitled Doroga. Finally, the Argentine David Vecchio presents us in DM Fable: The Granny, the three little pigs, wolf, a hawk green ... A fable for children? "Legend in Dm" is a return to the origins of these stories as individuals who recounted during medieval times.
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